My Daily Paintworks


From time to time, I may may offer a sale or perhaps have an auction.  You don’t need a membership to just buy artwork, but during an Auction, you will need to register, which is free, quick and easy.  Learn more on the link below.  

Learn all about Bidding in Daily Paint Works x. Auctions!

Daily Paintworks Register

Online auctions can cause anxiety and end in frustration when you lose the auction to someone who simply outbids you by $1 in the very last second.  DPW Auctions are very user-friendly, and with AUTO EXTENDING, no more disappointments!!  

DPW Auctions Auto-Extend themselves to one minute remaining when any bid is placed within the last minute of the auction’s end!

This means the auction ends only when there is no more bidding in the last minute. This allows you to adjust your bid without last second panic.  

Auto Refreshing – No more frantically clicking the refresh button!
A DPW Auction page will automatically update itself to show the latest bidding during the last 10 minutes of an auction. There is no need to click the refresh button, simply sit back and watch the timer count down the seconds remaining and be alerted if anyone outbids you.  


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